The website Anti-Gravity Bunny has slowly morphed into being primarily a home for the vinyl radio show A Thick Mist. I write the rare review here & there, maybe a premier or an interview, and usually post a list at the end of the year, but most of my efforts go into A Thick Mist. However, I’m still very interested in hearing your weird & obscure music, so please feel free to send it along to the email below.


Takedown Notice
If for whatever reason you find your music on Anti-Gravity Bunny and don’t want it here, just let me know and I’ll do my best to get rid of the offending material as soon as possible. I’m just trying to spread the word about awesome music and I think one of the best ways to do that is to let people hear sound samples.


You could also just e-mail me to say hi.
justin |at| antigravitybunny |dot| com